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What Are Cubs?

Scouting was originally started for boys aged 11 to 18, but Baden-Powell was soon asked by many of their younger brothers if they could join to. Being fully aware of the physical and mental differences of younger boys he designed a training scheme for "Junior Scouts". This section had all the principles and ides of the original "Boy Scouts" but allowed for the age difference.


In 1914 BP produced his plans for the Junior section. The handbook for the "Junior Scouts" was based on the works of Rudyard Kipling, who had already produced a number of books for the Scout movement and in particular on the "Jungle Book". Even after over 80 years we still use names from the Jungle Book for Cub Leaders and helpers.


Cub Scouting started officially in 1916 when the Junior Scouts became "Wolf Cubs". The original plans and activities were constantly being changed and developed up until 1966 when a number of major changes were introduced into the whole Scout movement. The Wolf Cubs then became "Cub Scouts". New Activity Badges were introduced into the Training Scheme and the emphasis moved to the individual reaching their own level dependant on talents and abilities.


True to the original ideas of BP, Cub Scouting still seeks to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people so that they may take a constructive place in society.


By offering Adventure and Challenge through the Progressive Training Scheme the young Cub Scout is led through a series of tasks and duties to test and extend their individual abilities and prepare them for the move into scouts.


Cub Scouts are young girls or boys aged between 8 and 10.5years old who are members of a Cub Pack. The Cub Leader runs the Pack with a team of assistants and helpers who all give their time freely and in many cases have had special training to help them do an effective job. If you are interested in helping contact us.


The Leaders are responsible for planning the programme of activities and games for Pack meetings, special outings and events. The youngsters work in small groups called Sixes, which are led by older cub Scouts called Sixers.

So What Do they Really Do at Cubs?

Cub Scouts will enjoy a great deal of Fun and Adventure whilst in the Pack. They will have the chance to gain awards and badges, given in recognition of the effort made by each Cub at their own level of development and understanding. A Cub Scout programme will include activities such as:

  • Camping

  • Model making / Craft

  • Cooking

  • First Aid

  • Exploring

  • Helping Others

  • Games

  • Days Out

  • Caring for the environment.

Plus many more : Why not come along and find out more

District Cub Outing - Paultons Park

"The best Saturday of my life and the most tiring"

"9 3/4 out of 10 - cos my feet are killing me!"

"we went to a science exhibit, made bridges, made balloons take off and balls fly. We turned handles, went diving into the mole hole. We shouted into the whisper dish. We went to the adventure playground, had a picnic, made bases, played football, went orienteering and had an ice cream with a flake!"



A Cub Scout always does their best,
Thinks of others before themselves and
Does a good turn everyday.



I promise that I will do my best,
Do my duty to God and the King,
To help other people,
And keep the Cub Scout Law.



"Be prepared"

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